Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sticky Man

Today was my doctor appointment, and thankfully there was no "Mayhem in the Waiting Room" this time.  My mom just dropped me off since we can't take the little leper boy into the office.  I got to the waiting room, and looked for Sticky Man.  And there he was.  In horrible shape!  One foot had been ripped off, his belly was hanging low, and he looked like his head was about to pop off!
I laughed when the nurse came to get me.  She told me that they had tried to get him down with a foam board (the same one we knocked over last time), but it just ripped him apart and they couldn't get him down.  I also couldn't help but notice the oily stain surrounding him.  Kind of ruined the ceiling tile.  I should probably buy them a new one and have my handy hubby go install it!

The appointment went well.  I've been having more and more contractions, but in just TEN DAYS I will be 36 weeks!!!  My doctor is going out of town next week and gets back exactly the day that I turn 36 weeks, so he told me I have to stay down and wait until then.  Of course, each day I can hang on after that is another day better for the baby, but the minimum goal right now is to make it these next 10 days!  

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