Sunday, July 13, 2014

34 Weeks and Still Cookin!

One more week down!

It kind of feels like the count-down til Christmas.  Normally, I make lists and lists of things to get done before Christmas.  I end up getting everything done ahead of time, and for the last few days I am bored out of my mind, waiting for the big day to arrive.

Yep, I am now bored out of my mind waiting for the big day to arrive.  FOURTEEN more days and then I can get up a little bit and see how many more days I can make it.  I keep trying to think of things I can do from bed... important projects to get done, but I'm not coming up with a whole lot.

We are trying to transition the little guy to sleeping in the same room with his brothers.  It cracks me up every night!  Two-year old gets so excited to sleep in five-year old's bed, he giggles and pesters the five-year old.  Seven year old up on top just groans at his "annoying" brothers who are making it so he can't sleep.  Finally, daddy comes up with a solution:
Brilliant!  Hang a divider.  It helps somewhat, but they still make me laugh each night.  So far, at least, the track record of all 3 boys EVENTUALLY falling asleep is 100%.

We got a new closet organizer set up for the 3-boy room.  Almost complete- just gotta buy one more blue box:
Daddy did that part, but the rest of the closet organizing will have to be done after I get off this bed.

All the other stuff that needs to be done (car seat in, crib set up...) will have to be up to Daddy.  I just can't think of any more essential projects that I can do in the next 14 days.  Gah!

Praying I don't go insane...


  1. So excited you've made it to this point!!! Congrats and love the bed pic:)

  2. Great thinking Darin! Jen have toy been indexing? That is fun and I have had no time to do it lately. Hang in there.

    1. I HAVE been indexing actually! Maybe I just need to set a specific goal so I feel pressured to accomplish it by a deadline! :)

  3. The closet organizer looks great too. Did they take the fan back yet?
