Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mayhem in the Waiting Room

My mom and I took all 3 boys with us today to get my shot.  Whenever we go, she brings a fun little bag of toys to keep them occupied.  People generally laugh with us about the spunk and energy of little boys, and it always comes up that YES, I am having ANOTHER boy.  :)

Today, the "fun little bag of toys" contained some bouncy balls (which we quickly put away), a blue sparkle stick, a top, a pull-back car, and a little sticky man (sticky hands and feet- you put him on the wall and he is supposed to climb down.)

Commotion #1- The bouncy balls.  Yes, they were ALL over the place, so they went in my purse.

Commotion #2- The pull-back car.  It zoomed underneath an easel with a big poster and some flyers on it.  Beckham and Parker went for it at the same time, Beckham emerging victorious with the car, and Parker scrambling out, hitting his head, knocking the poster off the easel and flyers spreading all over the ground!

Commotion #3- The little Sticky Man.  Sheesh- this was a fun one.  Corbin and Parker were taking turns throwing him up onto the wall in the corner.  He'd stick for a minute, do a few turns tumbling down the wall, and then fall.  UNTIL he accidentally got thrown onto the ceiling.  He stuck INCREDIBLY WELL to the ceiling tiles.  Too well...
Corbin started throwing a lanyard at the little man... My mom stood on a chair and tried to knock him down by chucking stuff up there.  Everything we tried just made him more stuck!  The other patients were entertained; nurses began coming out to assess the situation... Before we knew it, the whole staff was involved!  And the HERO who ended up getting Sticky Man off the ceiling???  (Drumroll...)

Dr. Bitner himself!  With a pair of forceps!    

But that's STILL not all.  Apparently, while I was back getting my shot, one of my boys "accidentally" (?) got him stuck up there again.  I came out right after he was flung up onto the tile.  At that point, I made an executive decision that Sticky Man needed to stay where he was.  Imagine the staff's surprise when they discover him up there tomorrow.  Agh!  We'll see if our little friend is still clinging on for dear life next week! 

1 comment:

  1. So funny. I can totally picture all of this from your description. What a handy dr.
