Monday, July 7, 2014

Shaving Cream Revisited...Success!!

I cheated a little bit today.  I WENT OUTSIDE!!!

I needed some sunshine.  
Plus, I wanted to see how much fun my boys would have on the trampoline with shaving cream!  
See what you think...

I sat in a camping chair and watched them.  Beckham didn't want in on the fun, so he sat with me.
Clean-up was WAY easier than the inside mess from last time!  Kirsha literally just hosed them down.
Then she got out Beckham's awesome Pirate Ship for him so he could have a little water fun too.
And... of course we had to enjoy some Otter-Pops.  
It ALMOST felt like a normal summer day.  Sort of.  Except that I wasn't the one up and running around spraying them with the hose.  But at least I got to watch.  And I got some freckles.  :)


  1. Yay! You got the entertainment without the work- or getting wet! Kirsha is heaven sent :)

  2. And you have a clean, fresh-smelling trampoline.

  3. Did the spots come off yet.i have never seen a white polka dot trampoline. :)
