Wow... rough weekend. Saturday afternoon I started feeling yucky and by about 4:00 I knew I had caught Parker's throw-up bug.
Which is NOT good when you're trying not to have contractions.
I threw up at 6:30 and was back at the hospital for trip #3 at 11:30 that night. I couldn't keep fluid in (dehydration triggers contractions), and my contractions were 4 minutes apart. (I'm sure they were also triggered by the gut wrenching heaving I had going on.) So, in went the IV to hydrate me. They also increased the frequency of the meds I've been on.
For me, things were calming down by morning, but just as the nurse was taking my BP, we got a text from Grandma (who was at our house) saying that Beckham was throwing up. The nurse said my pulse shot up. Gah- I had to calm down and try it again!
With contractions not gone, but under control, we got home before noon on Sunday. Thankfully, Beckham and I were both done throwing up by that point and just needed rest, and thanks to some awesome neighbors who took the big boys after church, we were ABLE to rest in peace and quiet. :)
Today the boys are at the zoo with my parents and siblings, and I am resting-resting -resting.
And crossing my fingers and toes for a less eventful week this week!
Sad your got it. Dang it! I'm glad you are going better.