Thursday, June 12, 2014

Kool-Aid and Candy

Maybe this is a dirty trick to play on Kirsha (our morning nanny), but I have fun activities planned for the kids to do each day.  She just gets to show up and find out what that activity is (like the shaving cream on Monday.  Yikes!)  Well, yesterday was a KOOL-AID STAND!  Corbin has been talking about doing one since before school got out, and yesterday was the day!  They made a whole $3.00 and spent $2 of it at their friend Tyler's new candy store.  

I'm sure they drank more Kool-Aid than they sold and consumed more sugar than I would normally let them, but really... when you're on bed rest, you just have to sit on the couch and watch them out the window, forgetting about sugar consumption, and be grateful that they are enjoying a childhood summer!   

(I love Parker's bum in this picture!!!  He's in the background climbing up onto the green box.)


  1. I agree with your mantra here. Forget about the stuff that's not so meaningful and be glad they are being kids and enjoying life. and two more things. 1. Did Corbin make the sign himself? It looks really great! and 2. I adore Corbin's shirt ;) Little Marcus Man will able to see this picture online of his cool cousin Corbin wearing that shirt someday

    1. Haha! Yep, pretty sure Corbin made at least most of the sign. I was just listening from upstairs as Kirsha helped them get ready. Corbin had a pretty bossy morning, getting ready for "HIS" kool-aid stand. And Bex is wearing his Marcus shirt this very day too! Heehee!
