Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I Don't Have a Favorite Kid

Really, I don't.  I just have one who probably makes me laugh the most.  :)

I have joked that I wish the doctors could put me into a medically induced coma for the duration of this bed rest.  Then -BAM!- I could wake up and have a baby and this would all be over with!  But really, then I would miss all of Parker's funny faces....
 and outfits...
and props...
and things he says or does...

*The other night he wore an outfit for only a couple hours at night.  Trying to cut back on laundry for Darin, I told Parker he needed to wear those same clothes tomorrow.  I said, "Put them somewhere that you will remember to wear them tomorrow."  So what does he do?  Just keeps them on and puts his pajamas on top.  Corbin told him he couldn't do that, and he said, "But this way I will REMEMBER to wear them tomorrow!"

*When they were driving to the zoo, my dad asked Parker if he knew what the big U up the hill stood for.  Parker said, "Of course.  BYU!"  We teach 'em young.  :)

*When we were at the hospital last week, Grandma Pat was at our house.  Sunday morning, at breakfast, she asked Parker to please hand her Beckham's water cup.  Parker sighed and told her, "No... I just don't do favors this early."

*The other night he prayed, "Please bless lots of good things to happen tomorrow... And just a few bad things to happen."

If I can get a laugh a day outa this kid, I'm good.  I can make it for 37 more days of this.  No coma for me!


  1. He is pretty dang cute and oh the things that come out of his mouth. "Like grandma you did a crappy job of putting sunscreen on me yesterday. My face got burned." Honest he had plenty of it on.

  2. He is pretty dang cute and oh the things that come out of his mouth. "Like grandma you did a crappy job of putting sunscreen on me yesterday. My face got burned." Honest he had plenty of it on.

    1. I am laughing out loud! I guess you wrote this before I called you... Maybe he just did a crappy job of staying out of the sun! (I also told him today that I was sorry for saying the word "crappy" and that it wasn't a nice word for me to say and we aren't going to say it anymore.)

  3. Holy cow those pictures are HILARIOUS!!
